346 days left until Canoecopia!     March 12 - 15
Canoecopia is presented by

Presenting Sponsor

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Credit only, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center
Advanced passes may be purchased HERE.

Sea to Summit
Main Hall: 297

12303 Airport Way, Ste 300
Broomfield, CO 80021

Since 1990 Sea to Summit has been your ally in every adventure. Designed to be the perfect balance of clever, packable and light, our award-winning products encourage self reliance on any terrain. Our love of the outdoors and our relentless pursuit of design perfection is what drives us. That's why you can find our gear in the backpacks of explorers everywhere- from our home in Western Australia to the vast trails of North America.

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

  Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Credit only, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center
Advanced passes may be purchased HERE.