346 days left until Canoecopia!     March 12 - 15
Canoecopia is presented by

Presenting Sponsor

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Credit only, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center
Advanced passes may be purchased HERE.

Citizens' Climate Lobby
Lobby: L47

50 Cherokee Cir Unit 104
Madison, Wisconsin 53704

Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonprofit. nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy climate change organization focused on national policies to address the national and global climate crisis. We have about 500 local chapters across the USA and the globe.
If you think climate change may be impacting our outdoor recreation, please exchange information with us at our exhibit space at this year's Canoecopia. Let us chat about climate trends, adaptation to changes in climate, and the emerging efforts to mitigate greenhouse emissions.
CCL's consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education will help advance the adoption of fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions. Currently, our primary focus includes Carbon Pricing, Healthy Forests, Building Electrification and Efficiency, and Clean Energy Permitting Reform.

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

  Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Credit only, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center
Advanced passes may be purchased HERE.