364 days left until Canoecopia!     March 12 - 15
Canoecopia is presented by

Presenting Sponsor

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Credit only, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center
Advanced passes may be purchased HERE.

All Aboard
Main Hall: 260

3505 Virginia Ave S
St Louis Park, MN 55426

Creators of the EZ Step & Tow - a simple solution for anyone to board an iSUP in deep water. The EZ Step & Tow is designed for users who struggle to pull themselves onto their inflatable paddle board using only their arms. The unique design allows a paddler to mount by incorporating lower body strength to push themselves onto their board safely and easily. It works for all users including: first timers, long-timers, and everyone in between,

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

  Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Credit only, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center
Advanced passes may be purchased HERE.