364 days left until Canoecopia!     March 12 - 15
Canoecopia is presented by

Presenting Sponsor

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Credit only, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center
Advanced passes may be purchased HERE.

Sanborn Paddles
Main Hall: 322

4110 W 5th St.
Winona, MN 55987

Sanborn Paddles (Sanborn Canoe Co.) began as many of the best things do- with a series of "what-ifs" shared between friends over a campfire. Beginning with little more than a how-to book and some borrowed tools, those dreams took shape in the form of a cedar strip canoe and a quiver of new paddles. Inspired by the deep satisfaction of making something of quality with our own two hands, the idea to build more to share with others was born.

As things grew, we discovered lessons learned on the water translate readily to the needs in the workshop. Slow down and be here because a well-placed blade stroke is meaningful whether you're wielding paddle or a chisel. Be present because you can only finish anything one step at a time. Don't rush; put your name on this moment.

Each Sanborn paddle is made by hand using simple tools. The craftsman brands his initial just beneath the grip of a finished paddle signifying we spent our time on the paddle so you can spend your time on the water. We put a lot into each paddle to make it a functional work of art to inspire your next adventure and take you there. No matter the embellishment, at its heart, a paddle is still a simple tool. Because we put our name on it, you know you can trust it.

Over the years the Sanborn family has grown but the mission to provide you with inspiring, effective, and long-lasting equipment to help you best enjoy your time on the water, or maybe even just inspire you to get back out there. Whether you're tackling open ocean waves in a sea kayak, enjoying the cabin in a classic canoe, tackling a multi-day canoe camping expedition in the boundary waters, or just soaking up some sun on a stand up paddleboard, we at Sanborn want you to enjoy the water in every way that you can.

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

  Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Credit only, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center
Advanced passes may be purchased HERE.