14 days left until Canoecopia!     March 7 - 9
Canoecopia is presented by

Presenting Sponsor

Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy Way
Madison, Wisconsin

Show Hours
Friday: 3 PM to 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

1-Day: $17.00
3-Day: $35.00
Ages 17 and under are FREE
Cash or check only for tickets purchased at the event

Parking Fees
1-Day: $8.00
Cash or credit, fees collected by Alliant Energy Center


  Michael Neiger


Michael Neiger, Marquette, Michigan, mneiger@hotmail.com. Since 1984, he's organized 100's of backpack, canoe, bike, snowshoe, & caving trips/expeds between Lake Superior & the Arctic Ocean. He's paddled dozens of Canadian & Michigan rivers, often solo, including an expedition from the Great Lakes to the Arctic Ocean; skied solo from the northernmost plowed road in Ontario, Canada to the Arctic Ocean; led 7 winter snowshoe expeditions to the Arctic Ocean; & helped train/outfit members of 2 North Pole expeditions.

A Michigan State Police Det/Sgt for 26 years, he's the lead investigator with Michigan Backcountry Search & Rescue's Long Range Special Operations Group, investigating missing-person cases & cold-case murders between the Great Lakes & the Arctic Ocean. He teaches Land Navigation, Wilderness Survival, High-Altitude Mountain Survival, Man-Tracking, & SAR to first responders & US Warfighters, and has authored numerous state & national guidebooks, & the Missing Person Sourcebook.

He's been featured in Outside Magazine, Explore Magazine, Detroit Free Press, Grand Rapids Press, Michigan Out-of-Doors, Society (Paris), Recoil Offgrid; in the books "The Cold Vanish," "Where Monsters Hide," "Cold From the Inside," "Ranger Beads," & "100-Plus Sniper Exercises"; in the shows ABC's 20/20, Chris Hansen's Crime Watch, NBC's Oxygen Channel, Fox Nation, Discovery Plus, A+E's Crime (UK), TV Ontario, NBC's Snapped, and TV-6 Investigations.


Michael Neiger
 Assembling and Wearing an In-Pocket Survival Kit for a Wilderness Adventure
Superior - main floor Sat 4:30pm-5:15pm 
Mike will discuss how to assemble and wear an in-pocket survival kit for a wilderness adventure by canoe, kayak, paddle board, mountain bike, ski, snowshoe, or foot. If you ever become lost in the bush, these items will help you survive until rescuers reach you. It will cover sheath knives; pocket knives; whistles; signal mirrors; butane lighters; waterproof, windproof lifeboat matches; spark-ignitable waterproof firestarters; ferro sparking rods; magnesium tinder rods; scrapers/strikers; waterproof flashlights; emergency blankets; compasses; and maps.

Michael Neiger
 How to Ensure Your Child Will Be a Survivor When Lost in the Wilderness
Algonquin - main floor Sat 12:30pm-1:15pm 
This high-quality PowerPoint presentation will help parents teach their young children how to survive when lost in the wilderness - what to carry, what to do, and what not to do - and includes two free instructional coloring books (downloadable online) and two free videos to watch (online) with their children. This discussion draws on the lost-person best practices of the: National Association for Search & Rescue (NASAR); Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Search & Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada (SRVCAC); Adventure Smart Canada (ASC); Michigan State Police (MSP); Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); and the FREE, 23-chapter, "Missing-Person Sourcebook: A How-To Manual for Families Searching for a Missing or Murdered Loved One - Best Practices from the World's Top Experts" by the presenter.

Michael Neiger
 How to Use a Cell Phone More Effectively When Lost in the Bush
to be scheduled 
This high-quality PowerPoint presentation will describe pre-trip phone prep, battery banks, battery calibration, compass calibration, Find Me SAR app, mapping and navigation apps, conserving battery life, how to hold a phone for best transmission and reception (avoid blocking antennas), calling v texting 911, how to increase your chances of reaching 911, how to use a phone even when you have no signal, what to do when you reach 911, what to do if you can't reach 911, etc.