Selecting Your Classes & Tours

On Friday and Saturday, there are two instructional sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. On Sunday, there is only a morning session. During each session there are a wide range of classes and tours offered for all skill levels. Please read the "Determining your Skill Level" section below to help you select appropriate classes for the weekend. This also helps us assess if the classes you've signed up for are a good fit.

Check out suggested progressions for guidelines and suggestions on making your schedule. Use the bookmark feature to help you build your schedule.

Note: Pre-registration is required for on-water classes and tours and on-land classes. Brown Bag Lunch Seminars (when offered) do not require pre-registration.

For questions, email or call 608-310-3852.

Determining Your Skill Level
Determining your skill level is the key to selecting the classes and tours that are most appropriate for you. Pick the skill level that best describes your paddling experience and ability, then use that as a guide as you select your classes and tours.

If you're a beginner: you have no real experience in canoes or kayaks. You might have paddled when you're a kid, but you have had no formal instruction. Camp Rutabaga may be one of your first times in a canoe or kayak; and that's awesome. You may not know what you don't know.

If you're a novice: You have a little experience, and maybe you can make a canoe or kayak go where you want it to go, although not very gracefully. You're not comfortable with current or wind and waves. You consider yourself to be at a basic level, and you know what you don't know.

If you're an intermediate paddler: You've been paddling on day trips or even longer, and feel comfortable in a canoe or kayak, but you lack some skills to make your paddling more efficient and easier. You are fine when conditions are mild, but you might be uncomfortable in some situations. You know what you know, and with concentration, you can perform most skills.

If you're an advanced paddler, you have a lot of time in a boat, canoe or kayak. You're comfortable in strong wind and waves, strong current or whitewater, and generally don't have to think about things too much, and reactions are natural, just like breathing.

Once you have determined your skill level read over all of our classes and tours, and sort by skill to help narrow down your choices.

Skill Rating of Classes and Tours
All paddling begins with fundamental skills such as those taught at Camp Rutabaga. The key to safe and comfortable paddling doesn't mean you know fancy stuff as much as you have mastery of the fundamentals. That's why even professional athletes train with basic drills; to burn those fundamentals into your brain. As we improve, we are able to paddle in more challenging conditions. Mastery of fundamental paddling techniques in real-world conditions is what separates advanced paddlers from beginners.

For paddlers with little to no paddling experience or formal instruction. These classes teach the essentials needed to learn from the ground up (or the water up). Being a beginner has advantages, as you don't have any bad habits to unlearn. The tours are shorter, less challenging, and are on calm, protected waters. The focus is on the pleasure of paddling and enjoying nature and each other's company. You might get a pointer or two, but the tour is not about technique.

These classes are the meat of Camp Rutabaga. These classes help you build on the fundamentals you need to progress along your paddling path. The tours are an introduction to paddling on larger bodies of water or rivers. Gain experience using fundamental skills at a relaxed pace. Distance varies.

For paddlers with proficient fundamental skills. These classes will help refine your skills and put them to use with more exposure to the environmental conditions of open oe moving water. The tours require good fundamental skills in order to handle longer distances and in variable conditions.

Full day tours putting solid technical skills to use covering 10-15 miles at a 3-4 mile/hour pace. Sea kayaks of 15' and longer required for these tours to be sure that you are able to comfortably and safely keep up with the group in potentially rough conditions.

About Prerequisites
We ask for your cooperation when prerequisites are listed. Prerequisites are one way we can be sure that everyone is in a class that is appropriate for their skill level. For your own safety and out of courtesy for others, please be sure you meet all the listed prerequisites when registering for classes and tours. If you have a question, contact us and we can help.

Schedule Changes
You will select your classes and tours when you register, but you can always change your mind! We're happy to help you make changes to your schedule, based on course availability. Your registration confirmation will tell you how to do so.

Note: All classes and tours are subject to change based on weather and water conditions.


"It was a HUGE benefit. I now have a wonderful base of knowledge to grow from... a huge list of things I can go home and practice. Have a much better understanding of the sport as a whole."

"I developed a new level of confidence. I never thought I could do this..."