By Skill       By Type

If you're a beginner, you have no real experience in canoes or kayaks. You might have paddled when you're a kid, but you have had no formal instruction. Camp Rutabaga may be one of your first times in a canoe or kayak; and that's awesome. You may not know what you don't know.

Canoeing for the Kayaker
Intro to Sea Kayaking
Kayaking for the Canoeist
Recreational Kayak Basics
Solo Canoe Basics
Tandem Canoe Basics

Beginner Tour
An introduction to paddling on lakes, rivers, or streams that anyone with basic skills can handle. Use fundamental skills at a relaxed pace. Distance 4-6 miles.

Allequash Lake Natural History Tour
Big Lake & Round Lake Relaxed Tour
Crab Lake Tour
Fish Trap Dam to Camp Manito-wish Relaxed Tour
Frank Lake Historical Paddle
Manitowish Lake - Historical Paddle
Nixon Lake Tour
Tenderfoot Natural Area Relaxed Tour

Basic Skills
Build on the fundamentals. For paddlers with some sea kayaking experience or formal instruction.

Boat Control - Canoe
Canoe Forward Stroke
Combining Strokes - Tandem Canoe
Rescues and Towing - Canoes
Rescues and Towing - Kayaks
Boat Control - Kayaks
Boat Control 2 - Kayaks
Forward Stroke - Kayaks
Bracing - Kayaks
Combining Strokes - Kayaks
Greenland Paddling Intro

If you're an <b>intermediate paddler</b>: You've been paddling on day trips or even longer, and feel comfortable in a canoe or kayak, but you lack some skills to make your paddling more efficient and easier. You are fine when conditions are mild, but you might be uncomfortable in some situations. You know what you know, and with concentration, you can perform most skills.

Canoe Efficiencey
Canoe Poling
Intro to Moving Water - Canoes
Intro to Moving Water - Rec Kayaks
Greenland Paddling 2
Intro to Kayak Rolling - Sea Kayak Only
Kayak Rolling 2 - Sea Kayaks Only
Advanced Rescues and Towing - Kayaks

Intermediate Tour
Good fundamental skills required to handle distances of 8-10 miles and variable conditions.

Camp Manito-wish YMCA to Island Lake Tour
Turtle Flambeau Skillbuilder

If you're an advanced paddler, you have a lot of time in a boat, canoe or kayak. You're comfortable in strong wind and waves, strong current or whitewater, and generally don't have to think about things too much, and reactions are natural, just like breathing.

Advanced Solo Canoe Strokes
Advanced Tandem Canoe Strokes
Canadian Style Canoeing
Introduction to Freestyle Canoeing
Lake Superior Skillbuilder Tour
Wind & Waves - Canoe
Wind & Waves - Kayaks

Advanced Tour
Full day tours putting solid technical skills to use covering 12-15 miles at a 3-4 mile/hour pace.

Moving Water Skillbuilder Tour